However, it is possible to see their entire form in 3D models in some video games. This is the most detailed video Ive ever done to show u how to fuse monster cards. Duelists of the Roses 1 Comments Bookmark Rate this hints and tips: 16 10 FUSIONS. The Immortal-Type monsters are:Ī common theme in the artwork of the Immortal-Type monsters is that they do not show the entire creature, only a part of it can be seen. They all have a counterpart in the OCG/ TCG, except " Carat Idol", of which some debuted as promotional cards for the game, while the rest were adapted in Pharaonic Guardian (Japanese). Many resemble machines of some sort or strange creatures related to liquids. Immortal monsters, regardless of ATK, can move in and out of Crush Terrain freely, and when destroyed by battle, turn the surrounding spaces into Crush Terrain, often destroying the attacking monster. If this card is in your hand or GY and you control a LIGHT 'Tistina' monster: You can Special Summon this card. I hope there is still some love for Duelists of the Roses Im happy to share with you the news on a new Mod. Buraizu Arutimetto Doragon + Ruby Japanese name. Yu-Gi-Oh The Duelists of the Roses + and Video game + Page name.

Immortal ( 旧 ( きゅう ) 神 ( しん ) Kyūshin "Elder God") is a monster Type that exists in the game Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses. Fusion Summon Synchro Summon Xyz Summon Pendulum Summon.