He walked into the room moments before Sailor was born and cut his umbilical cord. “I called Mia, and she came straight to the hospital, and she also called Steven. “I never expected to give birth with my sister and my dad in the room,” she shared. In fact, Steven, along with her sister Mia, were present when Sailor was born six weeks early in 2015 and Gardner was on a flight. Steven’s also been an active part in the lives of Liv’s children: Milo (with ex-husband, Royston Langdon), Sailor, and Lula (with British sports agent Dave Gardner). “I saw her standing at the side of the stage at a concert, and I was literally like looking at my twin,” Liv said, noting they also have similar mannerisms.Īerosmith frontman Steven Tyler with his children (from left): Chelsea Tyler, Mia Tyler, Liv Tyler, and Taj Tallarico. “I felt a connection in a very strong way when I met him as a little girl, and I didn’t know why at first, but I figured it out rather quickly.”Ĭredit that, in part, to her striking resemblance both to him and his daughter Mia Tyler (with his second wife, the actor Cyrinda Foxe), who was born just more than a year after her. “It must be chemical somehow-DNA and genes,” Liv explained. Despite having “no idea who he was,” the actor says she “fell madly in love with him” and even bought and would talk to his posters.

She first met Steven when she was around 8 or 9 years old at one of Rundgren’s concerts and recalls him buying her a Shirley Temple at the bar.

Liv figured out her biological father’s identity long before she reached adulthood, however.

Buell, who was the Miss November 1974 Playboy Playmate, had a brief fling with Steven in late 1976, which ultimately resulted in their daughter’s birth in New York City the following July. Up until that point, Liv believed that Utopia singer Todd Rundgren was her biological father. Soon afterward, she confronted her mother, model and musician Bebe Buell, and discovered that her suspicion was correct. “My mom has a diary entry or something where I wrote, ‘I think Steven is my father,’” she explained in 1997. Liv Tyler was 11 years old in August 1988 when she looked up at a poster of Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler on her bedroom wall and came to a realization that would rock her entire existence.